Sunday, July 12, 2009

On to Kansas State Agricultural College

Helen graduated from high school and moved on to college in 1922. Thanks to the Morrill Act of 1862, signed by President Lincoln, this act established land grant institutions for higher learning. The colleges were to focus on agricultural and the teaching of home economics. Later acts established agricultural learning stations and cooperative extension units within each county in the state.

Founded on February 16, 1863, converting Bluemont College from a private to a public institution, Kansas State Agricultural College became the first newly created land grant college created under the Morrill Act. The college also was one of the earliest higher learning public institutions which allowed mixed sex education. In 1875, the college moved to its present day site, and the first building that was build was Holtz Hall. Anderson Hall, which houses the administrative offices of the university was build in three stages between 1877 and 1884. This historic structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also the signature building of the university.

During the time of Helen's schooling at Kansas State, William Jardine was president of the college, and the faculty had just voted the school color as Royal Purple. Enrolling in Kansas State Agricultural College in 1922, Helen focused on studying home economics.


Next up, Helen's time at Kansas State Agriculutural College

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